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  • #1265063

    Is there a way to set a color section or otherwise to go to full width (100% of window) while using a boxed layout? I would ideally still like the content inside the section to remain contained within the same boxed layout width (1440px), but the section’s background to go full width.

    Thanks in advance! You guys are the best.


    Hey Josh,

    Normally, it does not work well. It’s easier to have a full-width layout with the limited container width, then it will be ok to adjust some sections to be full-width.

    Best regards,


    Hey Victoria, thank you for the swift reply. I take and understand your point. I’ve also played with the idea of achieving the same goal with a background that doesn’t repeat vertically however i only want this effect to appear on the homepage, in the first fold.

    Could i perhaps then bother you for Quick CSS assistance (if it is possible) in putting a black container (full width) with a height size attribute at the top of the home page, behind the content?


    Hi Josh,

    Could you please give us a link to your website, we need more context to be able to help you.

    Best regards,


    sure thing, as follows;


    Hi Josh,

    Best regards,


    Thank you for another swift reply, Victoria!


    Hi Josh,

    Best regards,


    Hi Victoria, this has been resolved. Thank you for your assistance!


    Hi Josh,

    Glad you got it working for you! :)

    If you need further assistance please let us know.

    Best regards,

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