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  • #536672

    I really like the blog masonry. However, from a page design point of view I am lacking one feature (or don’t know how to achieve it): On most of my full width pages I use 2 rows of blog entries as this looks the nicest. On iPad or not fully expended browser windows there are 3 blog entries per row and thus I set the default number of entries to 6. When the page is loaded on a wider screen there are 4 blog entries in the first row and only 2 in the second, the rest remains empty.

    Screening through the forum I have read several articles explaining to distribute them evenly via 33%. This however never worked for me. I still had 4+2 elements.

    Actually, I was wondering whether it was possible instead of the number of items to specify the amount of rows? Thus, on the “normal” page it would show 6 entries and on wider it would show 8 entries? Maybe this is a feature request for a later update?



    Hi GSM,

    Could you provide us with a link to the site in question so that we can take a closer look please?



    Hi Rikard,

    see enclosed.



    I “solved” my problem, kind of.
    I realised that I can actually set the number of blog entries per row, i.e. columns. I set it now to 3 and that way the 6 entries are always shown 3×2. The pictures get quite big on a wide screen but I think it looks better than having empty cells.



    Great, glad you found a solution. Please let us know if you should have any more problems on the topic.


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