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  • #1155237


    I am trying to figure out how to stretch images. It seems on other themes we use, as long as we change an image to ‘full size’ and ‘center’ it, it will stretch it to fill the entire area. How can I accomplish this with enfold? I tired installed Gutenberg with no luck.



    Hey dedmund,

    The easiest way would likely be to set it as a background in a Color Section element, otherwise it will stay with in the container element bounds. If you want to change the container width then you can do so under Enfold->General Layout->Dimensions.

    Best regards,


    Hi Rikard,

    Thanks for your reply.

    I can’t seem to get it to work so I may be doing something wrong.

    I’ve tried a couple different ways:

    1. I added a color section and set the ‘custom background image’ as the image

    2. I also added the color section and then add an image within the color element.

    Neither option stretches it to fill the area from left to right.

    As far as changing the dimensions, won’t this affect my sidebar? I’m trying to stretch it within the content area so the sidebar car remain as is.

    Thank you again!



    Thanks for the update, where can we see the results you are getting?

    Best regards,


    Hi Rikard,

    I just uploaded a couple examples to

    The top image is an image put in a color section element by itself, centered and full size.

    The 2nd image is put in the body, centered and full-size.

    Ultimately, I’m trying to make the 2nd image down stretch from left to right, but not over the side bar.



    1. That is correct, the content of a color section element will always stay within the container element width. Also, that image is only 600 pixels wide so it won’t go wider than that.

    2. Same thing there, your image is not wide enough to take up the full width of the container.

    Best regards,

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