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  • #473993

    Hey guys, I have a small problem with my sidebar. I wanted to have a background color in the whole sidebar with my widget, as you can see in the links below. I found this code in another thread which I am using:

    .sidebar *{
    color: black;}
    @media only screen and (min-width: 768px) {
            background:-webkit-gradient(linear,right top,left top,color-stop(#f8f8f8,0.295),color-stop(white,0));
            background:-webkit-linear-gradient(right, #f8f8f8 29.5%, white 0%);
            background:   -moz-linear-gradient(right, #f8f8f8 29.5%, white 0%);
            background:     -o-linear-gradient(right, #f8f8f8 29.5%, white 0%);
            background:        linear-gradient(right, #f8f8f8 29.5%, white 0%);

    My problem is that the background color is bleeding past the sidebar separator. I’m not sure if it has to do with the styling of the sidebar title, or some other conflicting code. Please let me know what I can do to fix this. Thanks!


    Hey CodeContra!

    You have the right idea here. It’s never going to be perfect though as you will always be trying to line it up with the border. Unfortunately I’m not sure of a way to go about this and keep the border.

    Perhaps using a 1px background image and have it repeat on the y going down. You could color the left portion white, add a 1px for the border, and the rest grey.


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