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  • #1176664


    I have problems with your form-mailer that doesn’t send mails to my accounts. I’ve tried various plugins without success. Could you pls have a look (login-credentials in the pc)?


    Edit: It seems that these e-mails cannot be received, when the user has the same domain-name as the website.

    • This topic was modified 5 years, 1 month ago by brandpirate.

    Hey Manuel,

    Thank you for the inquiry.

    The following steps should help you troubleshoot the issue with the contact form.


    Setting the from address to the default WordPress mail address usually helps.

    Best regards,


    Hey Ismael,

    I already tried this with your documentation but I gave it another chance and set up a contact form 7 alternative to the site /test and it worked. So nothing with my provider or something else.

    In detail:
    – typos/spam: I copy/pasted, so there are no typos and cf7 put it into the spam. so yes this folder is under watch.
    – is wordpress able to send mails: yes, i receive the pw-reset-mail and also cf7 can send mails
    – deactivate plugins when the button do not respond: the button responds, because the form mailer answers, that a mail has been sent
    – third party plugin testing: as you can see (test-site) cf7 works
    – using smtp when the server is not allowed to send: the server can sent, so this was not necessary
    – setting the from address to the default wordpress address: this never should be a showstopper, because the client want to receive the emails from form-mailer A from site A to E-Mail-adress A and from site B and formmailer B to E-mail-adress B.




    Thank you for the info.

    The message is sent to our email address when we use the theme’s contact form in a test page, so there’s nothing wrong with it. The message was thrown in the junk folder though. Have you checked your spam or junk folder? Please check the screenshot below displaying the email.


    Best regards,


    Hi Ismael,

    we use a workaround now and do not use your form mailer. So pls close this and we start another topic when the problem occurs again.



    Hi Manu,

    Thanks for the update, I’ll close this thread for now then. Please open a new thread if you should have any further questions or problems.

    Best regards,

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