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  • #506508

    Hi, I’m hoping you can help with a couple of formatting issues with the shop.

    1. When a product category is chosen and you go back to the shop menu in the navigation, the active link is white and therefore not readable, is there a way to add a background colour to the block, or to change the colour of the link without affecting the main navigation rollover colour? Screen shot:

    2. Is there a way to keep the black banner with ‘online shop’ on every page, it doesn’t appear on product pages?
    3. Can ‘Shop’ remain highlighted in the navigation when all shop related pages are active, as per the other navigation options?
    These issues are shown on the below screenshot:

    4. Is there a way to highlight the ‘Cart’ icon when a product is added to the cart and keep it highlighted until they have completed purchase? i.e. the block behind it changes to black and the icon to white as per the navigation?

    Many thanks


    Hi inchmasterflex!

    Thank you for using Enfold.

    1.) You have this css code in the Quick CSS field:

    .current-menu-item>a>.avia-menu-text {
        color: white !important;

    .. replace that with:

    .current-menu-item>li>a>.avia-menu-text {
        color: white !important;

    2.) You can only display the banner on the shop overview page and the product category pages.

    3.) Use this css code:

    .current_page_parent > a {
        color: red !important;

    4.) Try this one:

    ul[data-success="was added to the cart"] .cart_dropdown_first a {
        background-color: black;
        color: white !important;

    If possible, please create a single thread for each inquiries so that we can focus on your question and it will be easier for other users searching for the same solution.



    Hi, thanks so much for getting back to me.

    For the cart highlight, that worked great apart from the fact it puts a black box around the product title in the basket which looks untidy – is there a way for the cart icon to highlight but the product title not to?
    Screen shot here:

    The menu highlight, the code that you gave to stop the active drop down link being white and unreadable also changed the main navigation links grey which then made them unreadable against the black block when active. Is it possible to give the drop down active link a background colour instead, keeping the active link white?
    Screen shot of how it looks now:
    How I would like it to look if possible:

    I will start threads for each question in future.

    Many thanks



    remove this code again:

    ul[data-success="was added to the cart"] .cart_dropdown_first a {
        background-color: black;
        color: white !important;

    and replace it with this one instead:

    ul[data-success="was added to the cart"] .cart_dropdown_first a {
    background-color: transparent;
    color: black;

    Then add this to highlight cart button:

    a.cart_dropdown_link span {
    color: white;
    a.cart_dropdown_link {
    background-color: black !important;

    Best regards,


    Fantastic thanks, the cart looks great now.

    Is there a way to fix the second issue with the dropdown menu background colour for the active page?



    Please add following code to Quick CSS as well

    ul.sub-menu > li.current-menu-item > a {
        background-color: #888888!important;

    Please make sure that > sign is not converted to – in Quick CSS field.


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