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  • #962358

    I have a PHP based form on a page that is inserted using a shortcode in a code block. When you fill out the form and click the “Submit” button, instead of seeing the message letting you know the submission was successful, the page doesn’t fully load and your just see a bit of the main menu and a blue background. We tested the form on it’s own outside of the website and everything works fine. It’s only when we add it to the website that this happens. We think something with the theme could be clashing with the form code, but haven’t been able to pinpoint anything. Any help with this would be great.

    Below is a link to the page with the form as well as a screenshot of what you see when you click the “Submit” button. You can test the form by entering filler info into the required fields.


    Hey NicomIT,

    Can you give us temporary admin access to your website in the private content box below, so that we can have a closer look?

    Best regards,


    Sure, the login details is in the private content info.


    Hi, just wondering if anyone has had a chance to look at this?



    Where did you get the form script? Please post it on

    Best regards,


    Hi Ismael,
    In the WP dashboard of the website, the full piece of code for the form is under “XYZ PHP Code” > “PHP Code Snippets”. There are four code snippets there and “Job-Application” is the one for the English version of the form. If you click the pencil icon in the “Action” column, you will be able to view the actual code. I copied/pasted as you requested as well. The URL is in the private data. The form was coded by one of our developers. It works fine when tested on it’s own, but we are having this issue when we place it in the page in the actual website using WordPress. It had worked previously in the website.


    Any news on this?



    Thanks for the update.

    You should probably replace “header” with the “wp_redirect” function. According to the docs, the “header” function must be called before any actual output is sent.

    Best regards,

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