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  • #754002

    I was able to create a button (using CSS) and figure out how to have my GravityForm appear a modal window from other Enfold forum entries. However, if a user click anywhere in the form, the modal window closes! I am glad to have gotten the modal window working, but of course need to allow users to interact with the form.

    Any ideas how to make this happen?



    Hey lzevon,

    I’m not sure how you managed to put the form in light box that should not close when you interact with the form.

    Button elements can open a lightbox window and display any content inside it.

    1. Create a new page with your content(form) inside it and hide the header and footer from the sidebar options.
    2. Copy the page URL and add ?iframe=true to the end of the link.

    example : If the new page created to display in the lightbox is the link to open it in lightbox will be

    Just insert the link in the button element :)

    Best regards,

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