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  • #1345144


    For some reason, I can’t get the footer to display correctly. The website recently switched the view to some sort of default view even though we have the widgets correctly set up. It was working fine a few weeks ago.

    I test disabling the plugin, re-installing WordPress, and re-adding the widgets. But nothing is working.

    Please let me know what we can do about this


    Hey CPM_usa,

    Are you overriding footer.php or header.php in a child theme? If so, then try replacing those files with the parent theme files, then add your customisations back in.

    Best regards,


    HI there – i tried this, but not I’m getting an error in the footer.



    Please send us admin WordPress and FTP login details in private. Also please verify that you have backups of your site, and give us permission to change relevant files on your installation.

    Best regards,


    Here you go.


    Hi CPM_usa,

    I tried to login with the credentials provided, however I’m getting this:

    ERROR: The username or password you entered is incorrect.

    Best regards,


    Try with this password



    Thanks for the update. The new password works for WordPress, but we’re still missing FTP login details.

    Best regards,


    Here you go



    Thanks for that. I renamed the old header.php and footer.php, then uploaded the new files, and your footer is showing as it should now. If you are not overriding anything in the files in question, then you can delete all 4 files.

    Best regards,


    Hi there – i’ve cleared my cache, but it looks like the errors are in both the header and the footer.


    Hi CPM_usa,

    I have checked your site and I don’t see any errors in the header or footer area.
    Can you show us a screenshot of it?
    Can you try to open in Chrome using incognito mode? or try to clear the browser cache? as it may just be caching issues.

    Best regards,

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