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  • #912675

    Hello there,

    I pasted copyright etc in theme options Footer area from my site but now the footer looks like this :(

    How to remove the code that is showing on the page… No clue :(
    How to remove ‘no link’ written next to Morsche Qhan… No clue
    How to give Xandria Noir a link… No clue

    If I remove the information I wrote in the copyright section of footer, the footer disappears completely.

    Can you please help?




    Hey xandria,
    This is how it should be in the copyright section of footer

    © 2018 MORSCHE QHAN [nolink]   | SITE CREDIT <a href="">XANDRIA NOIR</a>

    the [nolink] is to remove the link.
    Yet your site is showing the shortcode and the php code, meaning there is a conflict somewhere.
    Did you happen to edit one of the theme files, perhaps to add some code?
    If you did let us know so we can help correct.
    If not I suggest to try disabling your plugins. If that resolves the issue, reactivate each one individually until you find the cause.
    If that doesn’t help, Try to upload the theme again manually via FTP: to repair any broken files.

    Best regards,

    This reply has been marked as private.

    I have repaired your footer.php so the error is gone, I also fixed your quick css, as it was missing a }
    I then added your copyright section of footer which included a link, but please note that you should make sure the link is pointing to the right website. If you wish, add the link here and we can adjust it for you.
    Also the link color was going to be white, as set by your theme options so I added some css to make it black with this code, so you can see it.

    span.copyright a.xandria { color: #000000;}

    If you tell us what color you want it, and what on-hover color we can adjust it for you, unless you can do yourself.
    Please clear your browser cache and check.

    Best regards,


    Thank you Mike so very much!

    The reason I have fallen in love with Enfold is its support team. The best in the world! (no kidding). No one provides this prompt and responsive support. Live long! (Will write on my blog.)

    Ok, so I have entered the link and also set hover color. (You guys have taught me this with your codes :)

    Thank you for fixing footer.php. I am sorry I messed it up.





    Did you need further help, or shall we close this topic?

    Best regards,
    Jordan Shannon


    Hi again :)

    No, you may close the thread now.





    If you need additional help, please let us know here in the forums.
    Best regards,
    Jordan Shannon

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