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  • #1348192

    I regularly update WordPress, Enfold and my plugins. After the last update, my footer has disappeared, or rather, it has not disappeared but displays the default WordPress footer (presumably from the Twenty-Two theme for whatever reason?!).
    WPML Multilingual CMS (v 4.5.5)
    Enfold (v

    I have already replaced the footer.php from the child theme with the footer.php from the parent theme. Then the footer completely disappeared.

    What is the solution for this? I absolutely need the footer, as this is where the contact option is offered and so we have no contact option.

    FTP access data and WordPress admin access are in the hidden area of this message.

    Thank you and best regards,


    Hey Marcel,

    Thanks for the login details. I’ve added fresh copies of header.php and footer.php for you in your child theme. Your old files are still there if you need to access them in order to get your customisations. Please review your site.

    Best regards,

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