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  • #1170368

    Dear Team,
    I have a problem with my mobile display Regarding My footer area.
    Once I Remived the Footer and left only the socket, it looked like this >>

    The Socket area expanded into half a screen.

    Please your help to fix this problem. I did not find any code in thie forum that could fix it.

    Thank a lot,


    Hey orhila,

    Can you provide a link to the site/page in question so we can look into this issue further?

    Best regards,
    Jordan Shannon


    Of course sorry (:
    Here you go >>




    Apologies, I see the url on the screen. Try this in quick css:

    footer .container:after{

    Best regards,
    Jordan Shannon


    No. Nothing happened ):


    Hi orhila,

    Can you disable caching and minification for now?

    Best regards,


    Hey Victoria.
    Just did.


    Hi orhila,

    This code added somewhere on the website is adding padding at the bottom for the body tag. Please check your css for that code.

    Best regards,


    Hey Victoria,
    I dont have any css on my quick css. Could be somewhere on my main theme code?

    If so, please let me know where to look. There is so many codes there.


    Hi orhila,

    It is not added by the theme.

    Can you give us temporary admin access to your website in the private content box below, so that we can have a closer look?

    Best regards,


    sure. Please see in the private content.


    Hi orhila,

    The code can be added by some plugin, I did not see it anywhere, here is the css to override it:

    @media (max-width: 1024px) {
        body#top {
            padding-bottom: 0px;

    If you need further assistance please let us know.
    Best regards,


    Hey Victoria,
    Thanks, i Added the code but nothing happend. Can you enter and check for yourself?
    Please find me another sulotion. Thanks A lot.



    Thank you for writing to us.

    Whenever the page content is shorter than the page the footer fills in the gap. To avoid this you can simply use a ColorSection element with 100% height and add your content inside it or set background image to the Color section itself.

    I have created a private test page please check it out :)
    If you like to have a different background image in mobile please check the docs.

    Let us know if you have any question :)

    Best regards,

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