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  • #1112909

    I am having problem with my footer and socket.

    So i created footer and socket in different page and i am using “select a page to display as footer (no socket)”

    I created footer and socket on three different languages. I am using polylang plugin and i have language drop down menu in top bar on my dashboard.
    I placed for every language its corresponding footer and socket page and everything is working fine but after some period of time footer and socket disappeared so i need to go to enfold settings>footer and select pages again for every language.

    Why is that happening?


    Hey Uroš,

    To be honest I’m not sure why that happens and it’s the first time I’ve heard of it.
    Maybe there are some changes in the database that erased the setting, what I can suggest is to create a backup for the setting.
    You can go to Enfold > Import/Export > Expert Theme Settings File.

    Best regards,

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