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  • #1245513

    Hey guys – I’ve got a strange problem that I don’t know how to correct. My homepage has a 404 error from a missing font file. I checked with my hosting WPEngine and that couldn’t help mulch as the file is not there.


    Is this a file that comes standard with Enfold? I never removed any font files so I don’t understand how it could be missing. I’m running a child theme with V 4.6.7

    Any help would be greatly appreciated.


    I can tell you that it is a standard enfold file. Did you check if it is there by ftp? Maybe the server is just not serving it


    I did. Nothing. I also dl’d a new Enfold packet from CodeCanyon but can’t find the path. I don’t think it’s visible until you install the theme, but I’m way over my technical ability here so please correct me if I’m wrong. Here is a screenshot of my FTP-


    Hi childproofer,

    Please post WordPress admin and FTP login details in private so that we can have a closer look. If you are running 4.6.7 then please try updating to to see if that helps:

    Best regards,


    Is the auto-update broken again? It’s not prompting me to run an update, and if I check things manually it still says everything is up to date.



    Thanks for the update. We can’t say anything for sure unless you give us details to check your actual site, please include admin WordPress and FTP login details in private with your next reply if you should need any further help.

    Best regards,


    I ran a manual update and it seems to be on the current version now. Not sure why the auto is not functioning again.

    Login provided. Thanks, guys!



    Thanks for that. I see that you are running 4.7.6, and the update is showing up under Appearance->Themes, and if you check manually under Enfold->Theme Update. Could you try updating the theme from there please? We can do it for you if you verify that you have backups of the site.

    Best regards,

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 5 months ago by Rikard.

    ??? That is not what I see under my Admin Panel. I see

    Are you sure you are looking at the right site?

    Here is a screenshot from mine.


    Hi childproofer,

    The issue was fixed in previous versions. Please check the file enfold\config-templatebuilder\avia-template-builder\php\font-manager.class.php

    Here is a thread about it:

    Best regards,


    Wouldn’t having a newly installed version take care of this? I’m a bit concerned about Rikard not seeing the same version that I do.

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 5 months ago by childproofer.

    Hi childproofer,

    It should have taken care of it, but since it did not, you might want to try to overwrite the files via FTP.

    Best regards,


    So will I need to do this on every update? I don’t understand how a fresh packet downloaded from CC would not have the updated file in it?


    Hi childproofer,

    No, you won’t have to do it. Normally, files get overwritten but sometimes glitches can happen in any system.

    Is the issue resolved or not yet?

    Best regards,


    No. Still getting the 404. :(



    Thanks for the update. It looks like you are running the latest version now, please delete the old version to be sure.

    I tried connecting via FTP to see if I could upload the missing file, but the details are not working. Please check and verify.

    Best regards,


    I’ve already uploaded the file that Victoria linked to and it didn’t change anything.



    Thanks for the update. Did you check the permissions for the folder in question? That might be the reason as to why you are getting a 404 error on that file. I tried checking but the FTP details are still not working.

    Best regards,


    The php folder in that directory has 775 permission. Everything is checked except public ‘write’

    Not sure why the FTP isn’t working for you. I’m using the same one.


    Just saw I mistyped the username. My bad


    I am looking forward to read here how to solve this problem. Same version (, same error.


    Hi childproofer,

    Thanks for that, I got in now. I checked the folder in question and the file was not there as you mentioned, so I uploaded it again and now the 404 error is gone on the actual site.

    Best regards,


    Hi Firat,

    Please open a new thread and include WordPress admin login details in private so that we can have a closer look at your site.

    Best regards,


    How bizarre. I uploaded it through Filezilla myself. But thanks all the same.


    Hi childproofer,

    No problem :-)

    So everything is working as it should now then?

    Best regards,


    just to mention: if you got older additional font-icons in your import – the fontello page now generates the woff2 format too.
    it could be solved by extracting the svg font file from your former upload zip file and drag and drop it into fontello page
    “Drag custom SVG icons or SVG font here.”
    activate all your wanted icons and then download it from fontello and upload that new zip file.



    Thanks for sharing @guenni007 :-)

    Best regards,

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