October 25, 2014 at 7:51 pm #341028
I’ve recently installed Enfold on an existing WP-based website which has been running for almost 5 years and has loads of legacy content. Generally it’s gone well, however I encountered a problem as the (fontello-based) icons are not displaying correctly on the main live site now I’ve switched themes and gone live with Enfold. I’m getting boxes instead of the correct icons, which might suggest a CORS / CDN issue of some sort.
I did the dev work on another server (on a different host too). Different workflow to my normal one: normally I do the dev work on the same server on a new directory, then put a redirect in place; or i’m creating a new site from scratch.
It was a slightly challenging dev process as a standard WP dump from the existing site was way too big for WP Import to handle. Also content is regularly added and updated on the existing live site so I had to work with a subset of all data & content.
Once I was happy with the design and layout I then exported the Enfold settings, before importing it into my Enfold Child theme on the main server. I then set up most functions and structures just fine. The only issue I spotted is with these icons.
It’s too late to use a plugin like WP MigrateDB or WP MigrateDB PRO as the main client site is now live and can’t be reverted. What I need to do is map the correct links to point to the Fontello font set on the main server (whether that’s via the DB or something else I’m not sure)
I guess there are cross domain issues. I have gone through old threads on the support forum, and tried a bunch of tips but nothing has sorted it (these have included some Quick CSS, .htaccess changes and more).
I’m no coder, and don’t like digging around too much with files. modifying code and I don’t want to break something which is mostly working. However I do need to get this sorted pretty soon.
I am hoping it’s a quick fix. Happy to provide logins for mods if this helps find a solution; please private reply. Thanks very much in advance :D
October 27, 2014 at 1:41 am #341248Hi antilimited!
Thank you for using Enfold.
Please refer to this link on how to fix the icon issues: http://www.fontsquirrel.com/blog/2010/11/troubleshooting-font-face-problems
Also, the font files are missing. Please check:
IsmaelOctober 27, 2014 at 1:50 am #341251This reply has been marked as private.October 27, 2014 at 1:51 am #341253This reply has been marked as private.October 28, 2014 at 6:52 am #342025Hi!
Looks like you’re using CDN. Please try to purge the cache then test it again. If you have any minify settings enabled, try to disable it.
IsmaelOctober 28, 2014 at 12:04 pm #342160This reply has been marked as private.October 29, 2014 at 3:33 pm #342742This reply has been marked as private.October 31, 2014 at 12:09 am #343794This is still unresolved, despite trying all the suggestions made so far. I’d be grateful for some more assistance please. Many thanks.
November 1, 2014 at 10:23 am #344523Hey!
Sorry for the delay. If possible, we kindly ask you to refrain from bumping the thread. We answer questions from oldest to newest, bumping makes it appear new and it will probably take us longer to respond on your inquiry. Replies in the forum can take up to 24 hours during the week, but oftentimes we are able to get to questions much quicker than that. We request that our users wait patiently while we work our way through the forum as we can assure you that all questions will be addressed as soon as possible .Please post the login details here. We would like to check it. We would like to deactivate the plugins while working on the site if that’s ok.
IsmaelNovember 1, 2014 at 11:44 am #344548This reply has been marked as private.November 1, 2014 at 2:30 pm #344568I’ve had a similar sounding problem. In my case the site tested fine on example.wpengine.com behind a ‘Coming Soon’ page, but when example.wpengine.com was redirected to the clients new domain name, the fonts disappeared. The problem can be toggled on and off with the redirect, and searching within the database you’ll find the theme has placed the old URLs in the database.
Can this be added to the fix list please?
November 1, 2014 at 2:58 pm #344579There are quite a lot of places where the theme or layerslider have added the old URL to the database. I’ve not experienced this problem with a theme before. Would be good to hear whether the team will address this going forward as from my perspective, and probably for a number of other customers this makes the theme less useable.
November 1, 2014 at 2:59 pm #344580Hi Sandie, that’s interesting, and I’m glad (well, sort of) that I’m not the only one who’s encountered this issue.
Where in the database can these links be found? I’m nervous about editing database stuff but if it’s a case of changing a few URLs to point to the appropriate server then I guess I could give it a go.
Thanks for your experience and input!
November 1, 2014 at 3:01 pm #344581I’m a complete n00b when it comes to MySQL but is there anyway you can run a GREP-type find and replace on database files to review and change Fontello-specific URLs?
November 1, 2014 at 3:17 pm #344583In the wp_options table take a look at avia_options_enfold_child. One of the records has a bunch of full URLs in it relating to icons.
Try https://interconnectit.com/products/search-and-replace-for-wordpress-databases/
November 2, 2014 at 11:36 pm #345010Just tried adding another font, downloaded from Fontello, via the Icon Font Manager, as outlined here
http://kriesi.at/documentation/enfold/adding-your-own-icon-fonts/Same issue, fonts still show up as the hollow square block icon, so I am guessing there is some kind of weird issue where the uploaded file’s path or location is not mapped correctly.
Sandie, thanks again for your input. I had a look through wp_options but there were no URLs relating to the font resource locations. One mention of ‘iconfont’ and that was it… so not option for me to manually update any paths. I’m still drawing a blank on why this is an issue. Back to the drawing board I guess!
November 3, 2014 at 12:40 am #345017Well I’m only another end-user but I suspect those URLs are in that record. Depending upon how you viewed the records in the options table, you may not have realised just how much information is in them. If you just run your eye down the table column looking for a URL you won’t spot them. Did you text search the individual records?
November 3, 2014 at 8:38 am #345155That’s interesting; i have looked at the avia_options_enfold_child records. Below is an obfuscated / depersonalised copy of it. I can’t see any reference to filepaths / URLs for the iconfont in here.
I’ve also checked avia_options_enfold and the only paths in that record point (correctly) for social icons (labelled pr-icons). Unless I’m missing something in phpMyAdmin I’m still not sure what record the iconfont filepaths can be found in…
Interestingly after uploading the test Fontello icons a new record was added, called avia_builder_fonts. No URL or filepath in it though.
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November 4, 2014 at 5:12 am #345721Hey!
@antilimited: Is it possible for you to create a test site from the dev site? This time, please use this plugin to transfer the website: WP MigrateDB or WP MigrateDB PRORefer to this link on how to properly transfer the site from development to production vice versa:
IsmaelNovember 4, 2014 at 9:56 am #345773This reply has been marked as private.November 4, 2014 at 12:36 pm #345826Hi!
Alright. After a few minutes of inspection, it does not seem to be a database issue. For some reason, the website fails to load the icon fonts. The error from the chrome console shows that the font icons are missing as I have mentioned before. I should have said not accessible. There’s a chance that the site can’t pull icon font files because access is forbidden. Please check if all file and folder permissions are correct. If you didn’t change or modify the parent theme files, please delete the entire wp-content/themes/enfold/ folder and upload the uncompressed enfold folder from your hard drive.
No, I didn’t deactivate the plugins because I don’t see any unusual or uncommon modules on the plugins panel.
Best regards,
IsmaelNovember 4, 2014 at 2:57 pm #345859This reply has been marked as private.November 5, 2014 at 2:14 pm #346501Hi!
Thank you for the update. Yes, those are the errors but I didn’t see the jetpack error before. Have you tried disabling jetpack? And now, I’m seeing another kind of error.
Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 503 (Service Temporarily Unavailable) http://www.northsouthfood.com/wp-content/themes/enfold/config-templatebuilder/avia-template-builder/assets/fonts/entypo-fontello.woff?v=3
Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 503 (Service Temporarily Unavailable) http://www.northsouthfood.com/wp-content/themes/enfold/config-templatebuilder/avia-template-builder/assets/fonts/entypo-fontello.ttf?v=3Please add this on functions.php to remove the version number of the entypo font files. Another user reported that this string prevents the font files from being cache by cdn:
add_filter('avf_default_iconfont','avia_change_default_icon_font_para', 10, 1); function avia_change_default_icon_font_para($fonts) { $fonts['entypo-fontello']['append'] = ''; return $fonts; }
Best regards,
Ismael -
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