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  • #28276


    I found a thread elsewhere that showed how to add new Google Fonts to the options in functions.php and that works out well.

    I was wondering where the best place to change the font stack as a whole would be though. We switched over to a serif font for headers, but in the font-stack, the alternative fonts are still Helvetica, and sans-serif. I didn’t want to just overwrite the header font stack in the child style-sheet if there was a better way.

    If there a better filter to override or is editing the child style.css the best way?



    I’m sure the filter is the best way to add fonts. You can edit includes > admin > register-admin-options.php:

    $avia_elements[] =		array(	"name" 	=> "Heading Font",
    "slug" => "styling",
    "desc" => "The Font heading utilizes google fonts and allows you to use a wide range of custom fonts for your headings",
    "id" => "google_webfont",
    "type" => "select",
    "no_first" => true,
    "class" => "av_2columns av_col_1",
    "onchange" => "avia_add_google_font",
    "std" => "Open Sans",
    "subtype" => apply_filters('avf_google_heading_font', array('no custom font'=>'',




    'Dancing Script'=>'Dancing Script',
    'Droid Sans'=>'Droid Sans',
    'Droid Serif'=>'Droid Serif',

    'EB Garamond'=>'EB Garamond',

    'Fjord One'=>'Fjord One',


    'Josefin Sans' => 'Josefin Sans',
    'Josefin Slab'=>'Josefin Slab',


    'League Script'=>'League Script',

    'Mate SC'=>'Mate SC',

    'News Cycle'=>'News Cycle',

    'Open Sans'=>'Open Sans:400,600',

    'PT Sans'=>'PT Sans',



    'Signika Negative'=>'Signika Negative',

    'Terminal Dosis'=>'Terminal Dosis',
    'Tenor Sans'=>'Tenor Sans',

    'Varela Round'=>'Varela Round',



    You can add or remove fonts.




    Hi there, I was looking at the same thing.

    Cannot find register-admin-options.php

    Where is that. I am acessing wp-include though FTP



    Not through wp-include but you should go to wp-content > themes > Enfold > Includes > Admin and register-admin-options.php file is there



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