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  • #1432120

    Hey there,

    I hope you can help me to fix this problem. I already tried everything, but it does not work.

    1. I uploaded a Google Font Zip with Monteserrat at Enfold import/Export
    2. Enfold changes the font Name (Schriftart: static ( font-family: static )) (dont know why, but i already made this experience a few times with other fonts)
    3. When I go to general styling I can choose this font (static)
    4. at google Chrome, The Monteserrat is shown like Io want
    5. At Safari: it does not take the montesserat font. but it also does not change to any other font. It always stays with default font.

    I have no Idea why.

    Do you have an Idea?


    the package you can download from google on fonts that have “variable fonts” contains a subfolder with those static fonts.
    Enfold could handle variable fonts – but you had to know how to work with those variable fonts.

    if you only like to upload those static fonts – pull this folder form that zip file to your desktop – rename it to “Montserrat” and (important) zip it for PC ( not including the invisible OSX files generates with their compression options.). Betterzip f.e. has a drop-window where you can choose for what system you zip it.
    Why this is important. if you upload that zipped file you will have an additional font in there:

    Next : Google does only offer ttf files for you. but it might be better to upload woff2 files ( brotli compression ) as font-files.
    ( less loading times on woff2 ). So it might be good to have both woff2 ( for modern Browsers ) and ttf (for older browser support)
    use transfonter to generate woff2 and ttf files – put them in one folder – rename the folder to your needs ( Montserrat ) – and upload that.
    As mentioned there – think if you realy need an italic font to upload – because browser rendering might do a good job to of normal font.


    see here a comparison of normal and italic font of montserrat ( just chaning it in developer tools to render the normal font as italic )

    Yes – the small “a” is different !

    some serif fonts do have more specific differences in comparison. On performance reasons – do not upload those italic font-styles.


    Thank you so much!

    Did you login and change something?
    Today I opened safari and it’s working!!

    If It was not you: how can this happen over night? Yesterday I did empty the cache of course..



    Hi Monika,

    Great, I’m glad to hear that it’s working as it should. @guenni007 did not login to your site, since he doesn’t have access to details posted in private. Thanks for helping out @guenni007 :-)

    Please let us know if you should need any further help on the topic, or if we can close it.

    Best regards,

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