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  • #759758

    Hi there!
    Im sorry to bother you, but im really in a fight with the font colors.
    When the website is open on the computer it all looks fine.
    the font color of main menu = pink, font small bar is white

    But, when I make the screen smaller, the letters of the main menu go to pink, but the small menu too.
    So I cant read the small menu anymore or the Social media buttons. (since the background of the small menu is also pink)
    If I change the “Logo Area secondary font color” into white, also the main menu turns white when the screen becomes a bit smaller.
    Changing the color into white at the small bar menu in Advance settings doesn’t help either.

    Could you please tell me what I do wrong. I have tried so many options :(

    Thank you in advance!


    Hey AnneliesUL,
    I would be happy to help, can you give a url?
    A admin login in the private content area would also allow us to take a closer look.

    Best regards,


    Sure! also it looks like the font is changing. Like i am over-writing my settings. I notice that in the paragraph, the menu-words and the testimonial-title slider is white now. ugh. me and websites…



    Please try the following in Quick CSS under Enfold->General Styling:

    @media only screen and (max-width: 767px) {
    #header_meta * {
      color:white !important;

    Best regards,


    Hey thanks, but this doesn’t solve the problem. All the font colors are changing. And I would like to know what is the solution.
    Like I said, when the website turns smaller the colors change.
    And the color of the testimonials is black, but not visible on the computerscren, but visible on the mobile.

    So please, can you help me to solve the problem with the font colors? Because now parts of the site are not visible and this is really frustrating me.




    Sorry but I don’t understand what you want to change, could you post a screenshot highlighting them please? You can upload to a service like dropbox or google drive and then link to them here.

    Best regards,

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