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  • #1190125

    Hi there,

    I add this code found in the forum to change the language flags for words:
    .avia_wpml_language_switch li .language_flag img { display: none; }
    .language_code { display: block!important;
    But the changes is ca es en and I would like to be cat esp eng (for catalan, español, english)
    is it possible?


    Hey inaudit,

    Changing the names of the languages is not a css issue. You need to check WPML docs on how to change the language codes.

    Best regards,


    ok thanks,

    I have another question: When I choose “no border” for the grid row I still get the bottom border. How can I fix this?


    Hi inaudit,

    Here is the code you can put in Enfold > General Styling > Quick Css,  if it does not work, put into themes/enfold/css/custom.css

    #after_submenu_2 {
        border: none;

    If you need further assistance please let us know.

    Best regards,


    Great! it work perfectly!

    Just another question that it came yesterday. I installed the Event Calendar and Tickets from Modern Tribe and it doesn’t show properly. I just found out that it seems the theme overrides something from the plugin, the single events template.
    Do you know how should I fix it?


    Hi inaudit,

    Please have a look at the following thread:

    The Events Calendar 5.0 Customizer – not available

    If you need further assistance please let us know.

    Best regards,


    ok! thanks!



    Thanks for the update. Please let us know if you should need any further help on the topic or if we can close it.

    Best regards,



    everything works perfect! u can close the ticket.
    great support btw



    I’m glad this was resolved. If you need additional help please let us know here in the forums.

    Best regards,
    Jordan Shannon

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