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  • #1166138

    Hello together,

    Since the last update certain footer/socket elements are not being displayed properly anymore .
    Both theme elements and third-party plugin elements just disappeared even though nothing had been changed.
    Social icons aren’t showing up (except for the mail icon) and my newsletter subscription form (Newsletter2Go) isn’t either.
    Instead there is a blue quotation mark and a closing HTML tag being displayed at the bottom left of the socket, which might be an indicator on where the problem lies.
    You can clearly see the behaviour in the screenshot (private content).
    It seems to me that this is no intended behaviour and looks like a bug.

    How can this be fixed?

    Best regards,


    Hey Marc,

    I see that you are running WordPress 5.3.1 and I’m guessing that update was installed automatically on your site? If so then that is likely what broke the icons. Please try this fix posted by Günter to see if you have any luck with it: https://kriesi.at/support/topic/enfold-upcoming-fixes/#post-1166095

    Best regards,


    Great, this fixed the missing social icons and in the meantime I have fixed the missing newsletter subscription form myself.
    The only “unwanted” elements are the blue quotation mark and closing HTML tag being displayed at the bottom left of the socket.
    Actually, this is being shown on all of my Enfold installations.
    How can this be fixed?


    Sorry for the late reply, the blue quotation mark and closing HTML tag is from a markup error in the Enfold Theme Options > Privacy and Cookies > Auto Reload Page setting, turning this off solves and the markup has been corrected in the upcoming update.
    You can also correct by replacing \enfold\includes\helper-privacy.php with the version in the Private Content area via FTP.
    Please save a copy of your original as a fallback.

    Best regards,


    Thank you for providing this fix.
    Are there any plans on when to release the next update so the fix gets applied to all my installations automatically?



    We are hoping to release it before this week ends :)

    Best regards,


    Unfortunately there hasn’t been any update since.
    Any plans to release the update or at least a hotfix soon, so I don’t have to manually fix the issue for all installations?



    We have already released new version of Enfold – https://kriesi.at/documentation/enfold/changelog/

    If you have not already, please generate a Personal Token – https://kriesi.at/documentation/enfold/theme-registration/#how-to-generate-a-envato-personal-token and insert it in Enfold theme options > Theme Update to receive auto updates.

    You can also refer to this post – https://kriesi.at/documentation/enfold/theme-update/ and manually update the theme :)



    I have totally overseen the available Enfold update, sorry for that.
    The issue seems to be resolved with the update, thank you.
    The ticket can therefore be closed now.



    No worries at all! Glad its fixed :)

    I noticed you have two more open threads. Could you please check with the new version and update the threads if theme update fixed those issues as well? :)

    I am closing this one for now. If you have any other questions or issues, please let us know :)

    Best regards,

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