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  • #750735

    Hi. I’ve seen this in other threads, but can’t find the information I need. In my new site, I have several color section fixed images that don’t scroll properly in a mobile environment, or at least on my iPhone 6. The feature is fantastic on desktop, but in mobile, it not only doesn’t work, but it looks like a mistake. The good news is, this site is under development so I’ve got time to play with it. Can you please advise me 1) if fixed/parallax scrolling is possible on mobile within this theme and if so, 2) how do I make it work? I’m not a developer, but I know just about enough to be dangerous.

    In every other way, I love the Enfold theme! Keep up the good work.


    Hey markejohnson1,

    Thank you for using Enfold.

    Fixed elements are not fully supported on mobile browsers that’s why parallax and fixed backgrounds are disabled by default.

    Web designers are used to fixing elements to the window using CSS’s position: fixed, however, in the land of mobile browsers, support for fixed positioning is far less universal and is way more quirky.


    Best regards,



    The article linked mentions that iOS5 and after, and Android 3 and after, have strong support for fixed positioning. If so, why Enfold has this feature disabled by default? How can we enable it?




    Actually, it’s still not supported on Android.


    Look for the android column under background-attachment.

    Best regards,


    Meanwhile this should be working, right? What are the plans?



    Meanwhile this should be working, right? What are the plans?

    It will not work as long as the browser doesn’t support the feature. Temporary solution is to set the background attachment to scroll instead of fixed.

    Best regards,

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