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  • #784254

    I used quick css I found on the support forum to turn the standard main menu separators into three vertically aligned dots. It’s putting a small separator at the end. I want to remove those three dots. They come after the words Contact Us. Can you let me know what to write in the quick css.

    Thank you!


    Hey jolynndeal,

    You can try this:

    .av-main-nav li:last-child > a:before {
       content: '';

    Best regards,


    Hi Sarah,
    That didn’t work but it could be because it mixed with the code already in there. Here is what I currently have:

    .main_menu ul:first-child > li > a { font-family: ‘Merriweather’ }
    .av-main-nav li > a:before {
    content: ‘⁝’; color: #ffce2f;
    margin-right: 15px;
    .av-main-nav li > a > .avia-menu-text {
    border: none!important;
    ul#avia-menu > li:nth-child(1) > a:before {
    display: none;



    Can you try it with the !important rule? :)

    .av-main-nav li:last-child > a:before {
       content: '' !important;



    Hi Sarah,
    That did not work. It actually moved the text over to the middle and some covered the logo. The three dots at the far right end were still there.

    Jo Lynn


    Also, just so you know. I added your code as-is to the end of the quick css section. If you are asking me to add it somewhere within the code that is already there, please let me know.


    Hi Jo Lynn,

    Yes, it’s supposed to go with the code you gave me in your previous reply. Hmmm… Can we possibly have temporary access into your website so we can take a closer look?
    Best regards,


    Hi Sarah,

    I’m creating the site on their testing site and they won’t allow access. Any other ideas?

    Jo Lynn


    Well, I cleared all the code and pasted it into the quick css again and now it works! Maybe I had a type-o.




    Glad to hear that it’s working :) Most common problems are single quotes or double quotes, also missing semi-colons.

    Best regards,

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