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  • #964562

    the first Lawsuits are out.
    1: No PPP at all
    2: Cookies without consent
    3: Google webfonts without the ability of OPT-IN

    Question: How can i disable Google webfonts in general and store the fonts local?



    Hey digitalprint2222,

    If you do not select a Google fonts from the dropdown boxes the google script will not be loaded.

    The script is located in enfold\framework\php\class-style-generator.php in function link_google_font() line 475ff.

    I added a filter for the next version that makes it possible to skip loading this script unconditionally(

    if( 'yes' != apply_filters( 'avf_output_google_webfonts_script', 'yes' ) )
    			return '';

    To upload custom font (e.g. downloaded fonts from google) please have a look at our documentation

    Hope, this makes thing more clear.

    Best regards,


    this is nice – but with my method of loading the fonts (link ff) and an addition little plugin (remove-google-fonts-references) i can select the fonts from Enfold drop down list to use the local installed fonts.
    So for me it would be nice to actively run a script that supresses connection to google font servers (to get rid of that additional plugin) but to use that nice performant drop-down lists.

    Or to have the possibility to upload real font files to enfold via import as zip-file ( the downloadable fonts on google are only ttf files)
    like these downloadable google fonts on : Link
    But all tryings to upload these zip files with woff, woff2 etc do not have success


    It does not work with local fonts!!
    I import the zip under both styling the local fonts but firebug show still:
    “src: local(‘Open Sans Light’), local(‘OpenSans-Light’), url( format(‘woff2’);”

    I’m using Enfold in version 4.4. Will this be fixed in Version 4.4.1?


    Hi Golife24,

    Did you set your font settings to a web safe font under Enfold->General Styling->Fonts? If you need more help then post a link to your site so that we can have a closer look.

    Best regards,

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