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  • #1326460


    I have created a static page in which I display products using a product grid.
    I would like to filter products on this page. For this purpose, I use the Product Filter for WooCommerce plugin (
    However, filtering doesn’t work. Even though I set up in the product grid to use filtering.

    Has anyone had a similar problem and managed to filter on a static page using a product grid?


    Hey creativeopole,

    Thank you for the inquiry.

    The product grid element is not using the default product query and creates a custom query in the shortcode template, so the plugin will not be able to adjust the query based on the active filters to display the corresponding product items. You may need to use the default product grid shortcodes from the shop plugin or display the filters in the base shop page.

    For more info about the plugin, please contact the plugin developers.

    Best regards,

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