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  • #1171079

    Is it possible to visualize the date post on featured slider on the top, before the title?
    Thank you,


    Hey Federica,

    Please refer to the following:

    Best regards,
    Jordan Shannon


    Thank you for your answer but I dont’ kwnoe how to let postdate appear on the image :/


    my element is a featured slider not post slider..



    Thank you for the update.

    Would you like to move the date before the title? Adding the following snippet in the functions.php file should help.

    // custom script
    function ava_custom_script_mod(){
       $('.slide-entry').each(function() {
           var meta = $(this).find('.slide-meta'),
               img  = $(this).find('.slide-image');
    add_action('wp_footer', 'ava_custom_script_mod');

    Best regards,

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