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  • #1263280

    Hi, I am using essential grid for the blog page to show all posts. So this question is just for the individual blog post. Please look at this example both in Laptop and mobile
    As you can see I only use the sidebar to show a button “all posts”. I have made the sidebar as small as possible by applying the 80/20% ratio.
    On mobile the sidebar is set to appear underneath, but it seems to me that the 80/20% ratio is still applied since the featured image is just covering approximately 80% of the available width? I would like the picture to cover the full width.

    I see two solutions for this issue, that both would work for me:

    1. Making sure that the 80/20% ratio is not applied for mobile, it shouldn’t as the sidebar appears at the bottom.
    2. Let the sidebar appear at the bottom for all screen sizes.

    How can I fix this please?


    Hey Terve,

    I’m very sorry for the late reply. Please try the following in Quick CSS under Enfold->General Styling:

    @media only screen and (max-width: 767px) {
    #top #main .sidebar {
        border-left-width: 0;
    .big-preview.single-big {
        padding: 0;

    If it doesn’t apply then please make sure that you activate the option to delete the old CSS and JS files under Enfold->Performance, and clear your local browser cache.

    Best regards,

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