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  • #187752


    How can I create a fallback for the Video mediaelement for videos from mediathek please? I´ve tried it with .mp4 and .webm

    mp4 is unplayable on Firfox, and webm don´t work on Safari. Inside mediaelement is no option to set a fallback. There is just one link to choose..



    Hi Bruno!

    There’re 2 options:

    1) Upload the mp4/webm version of the video into the same folder like the mediathek video. The theme will load it automatically if the browser requests another video format. You just need to make sure that the file names of all videos match each other (except the file extension of course).

    2) You can also insert following code into the theme functions.php file:


    Afterwards Enfold enables you to set 3 different videos (even with different urls) when you want to embed a “video element” into a layout. By default Enfold just allows you to upload/set one video url.



    Hey Peter, thank you very much!

    Best regards,


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