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  • #171637

    Hey – I’m hoping for some help! I’ve created a layerslider with images that I want to fade in and then fade out. The settings I have for the layer I want to fade out are:

    Transition in: Fade
    Duration 0
    Easing: Default
    Delay: 500
    Rotation: 0
    Scale: 1

    Transition out: Fade
    Duration 1000
    Easing: Default
    Delay: 2500
    Rotation: 0
    Scale: 1

    The image is fading in fine, but then stays there and never fades out. Any help would be much appreciated!!

    Many thanks :)


    Hey ClaireBrummell!

    Can you post the link to your page with LayerSlider so we can take a look?

    Best regards,


    Hey Yigit,

    Thanks so much for the response. I figured out the first step (by adding a “show until” value, I managed to get the layers to fade out), but I now have another problem. I’ve got 16 layers now beautifully transitioning in and out on the preview, but it’s only showing the first 4 on the actual page. This is the link to the page with the layerslider: It’s showing the first Image-text transitions, but there are 3 more panels of image and text which show in the preview, but not on the page. Any help would be very much appreciated!! Thanks so much! :)


    Does anyone have any ideas what might be causing this? Any help would be very much appreciated! :)



    I see the exit transition on the site right now. Though there isn’t a second slide so the slide doesn’t transition forward. For a general video on LayerSlider see:


    This reply has been marked as private.


    Please don’t duplicated thread with the same issue. We will close this thread for now. Please watch out for a fix on the second thread that you posted.

    Best regards,

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