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  • #1303890

    I followed the instructions on https://kriesi.at/documentation/enfold/grid-row/#gap-between-grid-cells to place gaps between rows and cells. However, extra space is appearing below each row.

    I looked at the HTML that is generated using Chrome’s Developer Tools. It appears that an extra <br> is generated at the bottom of each grid row. Can you see what is going on?


    Hi rmatus,

    It seems you are still using Enfold 4.8, that’s a bug in that version that was patched in 4.8.1.
    Please update your site to the latest version of Enfold and that should fix the issue.
    Also, please backup your site before doing an update.

    Best regards,


    Thank you for your quick reply. Sadly, I upgraded to 4.8.3, but it did not solve the problem. I guess the bug is still there.

    I moved everything to my staging site, so there are new credentials below.



    Hi Roger,

    Thanks for giving us admin access.
    I have saved the homepage as a template, then removed all the content and just re-added them in the template which fixed the issue.
    Please review the page.

    Best regards,


    It is looking good. Thank you. I am a bit amazed that is all it took. But, I am glad.

    Thanks again



    Hi Roger,

    You’re welcome :)
    We’re glad that we could help.
    Thanks for using Enfold and have a great weekend!

    Best regards,

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