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  • #320830

    Hi, I’ve customized the Enfold design to my requirements and because I need to integrate my wordpress site with another program, I have to create a html and css version of it. Is there anyway to do that, any idea? Thank you.


    Hi wildbrid!

    Thank you for using Enfold but I don’t think it is possible to convert the theme to just html. I’ll ask the rest of the support team. Maybe they have any idea.



    Thank you for your help Ismael.
    How about any compatible plug in that you can recommend, thanks!



    Unfortunately there is no easy way of doing it i am afraid. You can try copying the layout using developer tools. Other than suggesting that, there is not much we can do to help you in this case unfortunately.



    Thank you Yigit, what developer tools do you suggest?



    Yigit is refering to browsers dev tools that are built in.


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