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  • #1366420

    I have just created a new blog post and the comments (on the blog page) are not showing and the excerpts (on the general blog page) are not showing either.

    The only thing that has changed is that enfold is forcing me to use Avia to do the blog post.

    Both options are ticked in “Screen options”. Comments and excerpts are working on all other posts (not using Avia).

    Please note that I am unhappy that I have to pay 45 dollars to get support for this as I haven’t changed anything to my wordpress. This really feels like an Enfold error.



    Hey jossfrimond,

    When using the Layout Builder to create posts, then all content needs to be added manually. You can add comments using the Comments element, and the excerpt in the Excerpt field.

    Best regards,


    Hi Rikard,

    Thanks very much. I couldn’t find the Excerpt field though. It doesn’t exist in Avia. Can you tell me where it is?





    If you are using the Block editor, then you can find it in the right sidebar when editing the page. If you are using the Classic editor, then you will have to check to show the Excerpt field under Screen Options in the top right hand side of the screen. After that it will be visible at the bottom of the page.

    Best regards,

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