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  • #752003

    Hi, since the upgrade to version 4.4.3 of The Events Calendar plugin the map in the left section of the single view gets cut off at the left. You can see it for yourself here or have a look at a screenshot here Any idea what causes this?


    Hey Holger,
    Try this code in the General Styling > Quick CSS field:

    .single-tribe_events .secondary .tribe-events-venue-map {
        width: 100% !important;

    Best regards,


    Hi Mike, thanks a lot, it worked.

    While we are at it – looks like switching between views doesn’t work anymore either. I have the month view by default, but when you choose another view in the calender bar, nothing happens. Doesn’t seem to be a prlugin conflict.

    Best regards,


    Hi Holger,

    Are you referring to this page: ? Can you try to disable any minification and caching plugin and check it again? I could see errors in the console.

    Best regards,


    Hi Nikko,
    you were right, this seems to be a conflict with the Better WordPress Minify plugin. When I deactivated it, everything worked fine. Any idea for a workaround? The BWP Minify plugin is quite useful.

    Best regards,



    Kriesi and the live demos use that plugin.
    Are you using together with it any other cache plugin?



    Hi Guys, sorry to jump in on this post, but I have just searched for Forum regarding the map issue with TEC before posting a new thread.
    Thanks @Mike for the solution.
    Can I ask, will this be fixed in later Enfold releases or will we have to update all our themes where we use the TEC and TEC Pro calendar. I have a few themes in use.



    I think this should be fixed already. If you check on the css of this demo:
    (css link)
    You should find this block of code:

    .single-tribe_events .tribe-events-venue-map,
    #top.single-tribe_events .tribe-events-meta-group-gmap{background: transparent; border:none; padding:0; margin:0; width:100%;}

    which is what Mike posted, I think there might be some css conflict that why it’s overridden with some widths and with Mike’s code adding !important, that would force it not to get overridden with other width values.

    Best regards,



    Thanks for the reply. I’m not sure I understand it though. I have just updated to WP 4.7.4, the latest TEC Calendar and Pro and then Enfold 4.0.5 and the problem is there. My question is, will Enfold 4.0.6 include this fix so the need for custom CSS is no longer required?



    Hi H,

    Sorry for the late response, just to clarify on what I’ve pointed out, I’ve tested it out with a clean wordpress install 4.7.4, using Enfold 4.0.5 and Events Calendar, and it didn’t have any issue, here is a screenshot on my end, which also shows that area’s width is already set to 100%.

    Best regards,


    Thanks for the clarification @Nikko


    Hi Heathcliffe,

    You’re welcome :)

    Best regards,

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