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  • #1251590

    Hello friends:
    I am putting together a website for a Customer (this is still in my local development environment). I am using the “Enfold Church Demo” which has installed the Events Calendar Plugin.
    Since me and my customer are in Brazil, I needed to get everything translated to Portuguese, and in order to do that I used the Loco Translate plugin.
    This plugin has worked perfectly, except that it will not translate the texts that go in the widgets, like “Upcoming Events” and “Events Countdown”.
    Can you please provide me some hints on where to locate the files that contain all the texts that go in the wodget so that I can get them manualy translated ?
    Thanks a lot. I appreciate your support.


    Hey Carlos,

    Could you please give us a link to your website, we need more context to be able to help you.

    Which texts you have no translation for?

    Best regards,


    Hi Victoria:
    My apologies for delaying in my response.
    My site is not on-line yet. I have been working on it in my local development environment (XAMPP), so I cannot grant you access to it.
    However, I got some screenshots and I am making them available to you in a ftp server. Please hek your credentials in the Private area.
    On screenshot 1 file, the texts in yellow are the ones that were not translated and need translation and the text circled in red was translated correctly. On screenshot file 2, all the texts in yellow were not translated and need translation.
    This site is exactly the “Enfold Church Demo” with color and content change, but the structure is quite the same.
    Both cases depicted on screenshot 1 and 2 files are the “Upcoming Events” and “Events Countdown” widgets respectively provided by the theme.
    Hope that helps.
    Thanks a lot for you support.


    Hello Friends,
    Any news on this ticket ?
    Thanks a lot.


    Hi Carlos,

    We are sorry for the late reply!

    Those strings are already translatable.
    Please go to Loco Translate > Themes > Enfold and then click edit on Portuguese (Brazil) and search for those strings. I just tested it on my local installation using Loco Translate and I am able to translate those strings.
    Please make sure to save and sync after updating the strings :)

    Best regards,


    Hi Yigit,
    Thanks a lot. It works !
    Awesome support from you and Victoria, as usual.


    Hi cpereiracap,

    Glad we could help :)

    If you need further assistance please let us know.
    Best regards,

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