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  • #1350532

    I am trying to override this file that is in this path


    I did do a overwrite in my child theme /wp-content/themes/child-theme/tribe-events/single-event.php and I also did it with this /wp-content/themes/child-theme/tribe-events/single-event-no-mobile.php

    but it didn’t overwrite. Please send help


    Hey Jason,

    Thank you for the inquiry.

    Try to add this code in the functions.php file to remove the template modifications from the theme.

    add_action("after_setup_theme", function() {
        remove_action( 'tribe_events_template', 'avia_events_template_paths', 10, 2 );
    }, 999);

    You should now be able to override the template files as described in plugin documentation.


    Best regards,


    it worked thank you :D


    Hi jgax87,

    I’m glad that Ismael could help you :)
    Thanks for using Enfold and have a great day!

    Best regards,

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