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  • #584110

    Hi developer,

    I have a problem with my Essential grid and the ‘Enfold’ theme.

    When loading the thumnails, it shows purple lines before the thumbnail is fully loaded (see screenshot).
    I allready contacted the developer of Ess. Grid and he is working on the issue, but he asked me if I could submit a ticket in your forum.

    Can you help us to fix this bug?

    Hope to hear from you soon.



    I guess you forgot to post a screenshot. I checked your page but could not reproduce the issue. Can you please post the screenshot once again so we can make sure that we are on the same page? :)

    Best regards,



    I wanted to post a screenshot but I couldn’t find an upload button in the editor.
    Anyway I’ve uploaded the screenshot, you can find it in the private content section.

    Greetings Stefan



    Thanks for the screenshot, I couldn’t see anything like that when loading the page you linked to though in latest version of Chrome. What browser are you using to get this error?



    Hi Rikard,

    I used Chrome version 48.0.2564.116 m.
    In Firefox and IE the page loads fine..

    Greetings Stefan


    Hi Stefan!

    I cannot reproduce the issue as well.
    Can you please make sure to disable all browser add-ons and check if that helps?



    Hi Yigit,

    I’ve disabled all browser add-ons but the issue remains..
    I will test the website on a different server and keep you posted.

    Greetings Stefan



    Please try testing on another computer as well. It is weird that you and plugin author are able to reproduce the issue while we cannot :/


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