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  • #177180

    Webpage would stuck and then stop loading…

    Webpage error details

    User Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 8.0; Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; Trident/4.0; SLCC2; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; .NET CLR 3.5.30729; .NET CLR 3.0.30729; .NET4.0C; .NET4.0E)
    Timestamp: Thu, 17 Oct 2013 19:51:15 UTC

    Message: Not enough storage is available to complete this operation.

    Line: 3
    Char: 5340
    Code: 0


    Hi yukanl!

    Seems like the memory of is not enough (Not enough storage is available to complete this operation.). I’m not sure how you can fix it but maybe a wordpress plugin or a browser extension causes a memory leak. We did not receive any similar bug reports yet and I can’t reproduce this issue with IETester on my old netbook with 1GB ram.

    Best regards,


    Hi Peter,

    Several test users of our site who use the old IE8 reported this issue to us. Not sure how I could get this fixed. Would be fine if it happens to few but not if it’s related to IE 8.




    I’ll mark it for Kriesi. Maybe he can provide a solution.



    First of all: are you running any plugins on your site that might cause issues? second: are you running the latest version of wordpress, as well as the latest theme version? Since we cant reproduce the problem there might be also an issue with any corrupted files so I would also recommend to redown and upload the theme files from themeforest just to make sure

    Also would you mind posting a link to your site here?
    Best regards,

    This reply has been marked as private.

    Ok, the page is seriously messed up in internet explorer. At this point my only idea is that one of the plugins running is causing the problem. Would you mind trying to deactivate them all and see if the problem persists? If its gone activate them one by one to see which one is causing the issue.

    Best regards,

    This reply has been marked as private.


    At this point you should at the very least update to the most recent release with its newest round of bug fixes (in addition to the 2.3.1+ fixes that were released) and see if that helps.

    If nothing else it will fix the icon issues.

    Best regards,



    Thank you for still remembering the icon issue that I had.

    I upgraded the theme to 2.4.1, the icons somehow are still not showing up correctly. Please check it at It’s the URL for the test page. I had to change the permalinks to the default one because Peter found out the WPML string translation plugin breaks links for portfolio items. WPML said they found there was an issue with WPML translation management plugin where the plugin had wrong value there for the Chinese slugs of portfolio items. The portfolio items were accessible again after that change but it made some other pages not accessible :(. Long story short, so I had to switch the permalinks back to the default one, for now.

    Thank you,


    Do you happen to have any server side caching? Have you made any other changes to the theme besides just usual set up?


    Hi Devin,

    No caching is used. and used usual set up.




    Did you ask them why the other pages don’t work after they changed the portfolio settings?



    Hi Peter,

    Thanks for asking.

    Yes, I opened a case with them and it is still being worked on. They have been asking me to try different things but none fixes the issue. I am really frustrated with that now.

    The worst case scenario would be to use the default permalinks settings but that would be my last choice.




    Yes, the WPML setup can be a real pain sometimes. Someone who hired me as a freelancer had also problems with the permalink rewrite rules and it turned out that his server simply stopped to process them. He switched to a different hoster, cloned the entire website and suddenly everything started to work flawlessly. I still don’t know which php or htaccess configuration caused the issue on the first server but the same settings worked on another server and thus I think it was not a configuration or plugin/theme code issue.


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