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  • #650152


    In this development environment I’m trying to get four columns of an equal height (below the slide show):

    The content of the four columns:

    1. Text
    2. Image
    3. Image
    4. Google Map

    I know I can set ‘equal height’ in the properties of the first column. Still it’s very hard to get columns of an equal height. And when I’m getting pretty close, things start to shift when resizing the window (that is: when viewing the page at different devices).

    Is there some method to get a kind of ‘fixed equal height’ or something (css), so that different content will have the same height, even with different window sizes?



    Hi @newoceans;
    Have you tried with “Grid Row” ?
    1st row = text ((take care of the height of the text zone)
    2nd row = image (maybe as background) (take care of the height of your image and watch out an empty zone “hr” for mobil)
    3rd row = image (maybe as background) (take care of the height of your image and watch out an empty zone “hr” for mobil)
    4th row = Googl Map (take care of the height of the map)



    Please do let us know if what @begrafiks suggest works for you!
    Thanks a lot for he suggestion and the assistance mate!

    Have a great weekend!



    Hi @begrafiks and @Basilis!

    Thnx both of you for the reply, very much appreciated! ;-)

    The Grid Row didn’t take care of my problem. However, I got it solved – I think. Problem was the height of the Google Map (set at 400px) compared to the height of the images (changing continuously depending on window size/ratio). Solution: for images I’m using portfolio dimensions now (495×400) and for the Google Map a ration (495:400). That seems to do the trick! Only thing is taking care of the amount of text.

    Once agina, thank you very much, enjoy your weekend!



    Getting along very nicely: http://ags.marcbijl.nl/portfolio-item/project-template

    Issue can be marked as solved, thnx! ;-)



    Great, thanks for letting us know :-)


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