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  • #325653

    Hi all,

    I’m not too sure if this an Enfold or Yoast problem so looking for advice. Currently using Enfold 2.9.2, Yoast 1.6.1 & WP 3.9.2.

    If I update my Keywords, Meta data and description for various pages the changes appear to take effect and viewing the page source you can see that it has been applied within the Yoast code and title:

    <!– This site is optimized with the Yoast WordPress SEO plugin v1.6.1 – https://yoast.com/wordpress/plugins/seo/ –>

    If I view the same page in a different browser and view source the same piece of code contains the previous meta data and refers to the previous plugin version.

    <!– This site is optimized with the Yoast WordPress SEO plugin v1.5.6 – https://yoast.com/wordpress/plugins/seo/ –>

    I have cleared all browser cache and have checked Google Chome, IE & Firefox and the same problem exists unless you update the meta data within that browser and even then it is only displaying the updated information on my machine and not globally. Is there an incompatibility with my version of Enfold and Yoast 1.6.1?

    I hope I’m not going mad so some sanity would be appreciated ;-)

    Thanks marc



    Please try updating WordPress to 4.0.



    Hi MarcG5!

    Thank you for using Enfold.

    Please update WordPress to 4.0. This may fix the issue. If the update doesn’t fix it, add this on functions.php:

    function remove_yoast_analysis(){
    remove_filter('wpseo_pre_analysis_post_content','avia_wpseo_pre_analysis_post_content_fix', 10, 1);

    Best regards,

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