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  • #1042165

    I just realized Godaddy hosting does auto updates so I have WordPress 5.0 activated and I added a layerslider to the home page and it is not coming up, I was supposed to present this site to my clients today, and now the home page is not looking how I intended it to look.

    I had the fullscreen slider but switched to Layerslider and once I added it its not showing up, I tried to save the home page as a template before deleting the fullscreen slider but it would not let me save a template. I hope a new Enfold update gets released today to fix these issues, but for now can you please get my layerslider working?

    Thanks so much!


    I would have them revert you to WordPress 4.9.3 if you have a site due today to the client… and dump Go Daddy, terrible service. They caused me nothing but problems. Constantly. WP Engine would never migrate you to a non-security release of WP the day after it’s released. Only the brave move to 5.0 without a lot of testing on a staging site.


    Thanks @goldengate415 I know Enfold will have a theme update shortly to clear all the bugs out, but I think their is a way I can stop automatic updates from happening. I will look into it.

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    Hi Brian

    You can add the following code to wp-config.php to disable all automatic WordPress updates:
    define( 'WP_AUTO_UPDATE_CORE', false );

    Or, maybe easier to manage, you can use this plugin (have not tried it yet but looks ok):



    Hi schwabino,

    You can check out this post which shows different ways to disable automatic updates on wordpress:

    and @Michael thanks for helping out.

    Best regards,


    When do you guys plan on having the next Enfold update?

    What are the required fields you need for obtaining automatic updates via creating a Token in my Envato account?

    Thanks so much



    We are still working on the new release, it should hopefully be out shortly. Please refer to this for generating tokens:

    Best regards,

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