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  • #202945

    Hi team,

    I’d like to add a button below the ajax portfolio preview content that says something like “Read & See More” and has a dynamic link to the same URL that the title above goes to.

    What template file would I edit for this? I am using a Child Theme.

    Thanks guys!



    You can edit the preview content here (portfolio item edit page):




    Thanks for the reply… but… I was asking about what template file I could edit to change the layout / defaults for that feature.

    I don’t want to manually place this button in every item. I want to edit the PHP.




    If you are referring to this button:

    Then that would be: /config-templatebuilder/avia-shortcodes/buttons.php

    Best regards,



    Let me ask this a different way:

    In what Enfold template file is the AJAX portfolio preview markup in? I want to edit that myself in my child theme.

    I know how to edit the previews using the Advanced Layout Editor and how to use shortcodes. I am a developer inquiring about where something is located that I need to edit.

    Thanks again,


    Yeah i understand what you want, but i couldn’t locate this “Read & See More” link you are referring to (i guessed it was the ‘View Entry’ button), if you could provide a screenshot or a link to the portfolio where this link appears, that would be helpful.



    I was just giving an example of what I might do with the button. Please disregard the button idea… I might put a line of text there.

    What I’m more concerned with is the location of the template for the AJAX portfolio preview.

    • This reply was modified 10 years, 10 months ago by GRAPHICpilot.

    config-templatebuilder/avia-shortcodes/portfolio.php, around line 551.



    Thank you Josue!

    I have been able to add a dynamic link to the full portfolio item by editing lines 606-608 like this:

         $output .= "<span class='avia-arrow'></span>";
         $output .= "<p class='read-more-portfolio' $markup><a href='{$link}'>More About This Project</a></p>";
    $output .= "</div>";

    But I have only been able to get the change to render if I edit the parent theme (Enfold). I can’t get it to render by uploading the config-templatebuilder and avia-shortcodes and portfolio.php into my child theme (hoping they would override the parent).

    Can you tell me how I can make these changes to my child theme to leave the core intact?

    Here’s a thumbnail of how it looks in my child theme. See the ‘More About This Project’ text.

    • This reply was modified 10 years, 10 months ago by GRAPHICpilot.



    Then you can have your own folder within the child theme for shortcode replacement.

    Best regards,

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