My website is running with the version 3.4.7 of Enfold.
Can I update the theme safely?
Many thanks.
Hey alard,
Since there’s a lot of changes since 3.4.7 to the current 4.2.3, it’s more likely that your site might mess up after the update, I would suggest using a stage site first then use it to do the update, then try to fix if there are any issues, we will try to help you with it.
Best regards,
What do you mean with “stage site” ?
You can read here what a staging site is
it will help you manage your site with security and you will not loose any data while you are working
Best regards,
I am not sure to be able to make a staging site…
You said that you will try to help me to fix any issues… You mean by using this support forum? Or by the using the paid theme support?
I don’t have problem with using Enfold, just with the update!!!
Many thanks.
Hi Valérie,
I would suggest you do what Nikko advised, make a copy of your current site on the same server and then update there first to see if there are any problems, if not then you can update the production site.
This support channel is the paid support, it’s all we have :-)
Best regards,
Everything went smoothly!
Many thank,