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  • #1006385

    I am having some problems updating Enfold 4.4 (this is happening on more than one domain).

    Firstly when trying to run an update through the WordPress admin panel I get this error message – “Download failed. A valid URL was not provided.”

    On one of the domains, I tried to upload Enfold via the ftp and now the site is down with this error message – “Fatal error: Cannot redeclare av_countdown_events_fallback() (previously declared in /storage/content/43/188543/ in /storage/content/43/188543/ on line 12”.

    I will be grateful for your advice.


    Hey Niky67,
    The dev team has identified a possible issue with the Theme Forest updater and has released a fix.
    As for updating via FTP, Please note that if you update via FTP, you will need to remove the old theme folder “enfold” first then upload the new “enfold” folder at /wp-content/themes/enfold/
    Please don’t try to overwrite the theme folder, as this will leave old files behind and cause errors.
    Such as the current error.

    Best regards,


    Thanks Mike.
    This advice has put that website back up.
    I have a number of Enfold themes on various websites, should I wait a while before trying to update via WordPress do you have any suggestions on this?



    Glad that this helped. As I understand it, the wordpress updater error seems to be due to a change with Envato, which will be included in the next update, but going forward, if updating via ftp please don’t try to overwrite the theme folder.

    *Short Answer*
    Yes, I would recommend updating via ftp.

    *Long Answer*
    I recommend updating via ftp, but if your sites are a few versions old, I would rename the “enfold” folder to “enfold-old” and then upload the new “enfold” folder. This way you can see how your sites behave with the new version and if there are any conflicts you can remove the new folder and rename the “enfold-old” back to “enfold”.

    But I also recommend saving a copy of your theme settings, and making a backup of your site via your webhost’s backup tool.
    I would also check your webhost to see if you have the one click staging site option, this is a option in most cPanels to create a staging clone of your site so you can test on it and your site will stay up and running. You can always ask your webhost to help you with setting this up if you want.

    Here are some screenshots of what it would look like:

    Hope this helps :)

    Best regards,


    Thanks very much Mike.
    This is very helpful to know.


    Hi Nick,

    Thanks for the feedback. Please let us know if you should need any further help on the topic.

    Best regards,


    Hi there! Always buy Enfold, it’s the best theme!

    I am having the same issue as above. One Problem – I do not have FTP access to my website. My webhost is very good, but not typical. While I can retrieve a backup of my website, restoring my website is expensive, and has a cost every time, it isn’t automatic and would take time.

    I’m on 4.1, and 4.5 is released but I cannot update it because of this error.

    When the next release comes out, will I be able to update it automatically? Basically…should I skip 4.5 and just wait for the next update? What are our options if we don’t have FTP access?


    Hi Eli108,

    The automatic updates won’t work unless you update to 4.5 unfortunately, if you don’t have FTP access then you could try this plugin in order to upload the theme zip file instead:

    Best regards,


    Worked like a charm, thank you so much!


    Glad Rikard could help, thank you for using Enfold.

    Best regards,

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