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  • #1253080

    today i’ve updated the Theme to So far so good. It was working quite well a couple of hours and i was able to edit some pages with the avia page builder. All over sudden it doesn’t work anymore. Whenever i click on an element in a page the elements doesn’t open anymore and it’s not possible to edit anything. Nearly every update i made until today brought only headaches. I also found out that the dashboard still states that the Theme needs an update from to
    Anybody with the same problem? Any solutions? Please help.
    Best, Oliver


    Oliver – I have experienced the same issue. Looking around, it seems there is a potential conflict between the Avia Editor and the default WP Block Editor that may have been introduced in a recent update to WP.

    Here’s what we are experiencing:
    – Pages created and layout done using the Advanced/Avia editor
    – After tome time working (both on pages and posts), a significant portion of the page elements “disappear” and are no longer discoverable/editable.
    – When selecting “Preview” for the page, we ARE able to see a preview from a certain point of editing the page (i.e. data not lost – that’s encouraging).

    Does this sound familiar?

    Reviewing some other threads on this, I have seen suggestions that toggling between the Block Editor and Avia Advanced Editor in the Enfold General tab might work. We’ve had no luck. There may also be some code changes (IIRC in the functions.php) may help. But… have found nothing conclusive and we are now at nearly 2 days of not being able to edit anything on our site pages…

    We love Enfold. It’s helped our team build a beautiful site quickly that gets rave reviews…. However, we are stuck and growing nervous.



    Jeff, thanks for the reply.
    Yes, that sounds very similar and i’ve tried hours and hours to get this up and running by deactivating and re-activating cache- and other plugins.
    For me it’s pretty frustrating because with every update something disappears or breaks. For now, i can’t edit nothing on our website.
    Best, Oliver


    Hi, avia page builder stopped working on my site after updating Yoast, AMP and WP Rocket today. Could use some help, please. Thanks, nine2ten


    thanks for the hint. after de-activating the AMP Plugin it’s working.
    Best, Oliver


    Hi Oliver, thank you too – AMP for WP is the culprit. Disabling the Plugin makes avia builder work again. I allready informed their support team. Sincerely, nine2ten



    Did you need additional help with this topic or shall we close?

    Best regards,
    Jordan Shannon


    Hi Jordan, thanks, it has been resolved on my part. Sincerely



    Thanks for the update, I’ll go ahead and close this thread for now then. Please open a new thread if you should have any further questions or problems.

    Best regards,

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