Tagged: enfold
Hello “Support”,
as there is no standard way via Enfold for full page scrolling, we want to include a full page scrolling via https://alvarotrigo.com/fullPage/ and have integrated some sample code here: [s. private section]
The scrolling is fine, but we want to have managed the content blocks via Enfold.
The question is: How can we assign the <div class and section elements to Enfold content blocks, e.g. a layerslider, or a ullscreen slider, or a text block, …
Thanks a lot,
Hey Jochen,
There’s no standard way in implementing full page scrolling, except the WordPress way of extending features such as using a child theme and enqueueing additional js & css files.
As for assigning class to section/any elements, you can refer to our documentation: https://kriesi.at/documentation/enfold/intro-to-layout-builder/#turn-on-custom-css-class-field-for-all-alb-elements
Best regards,