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  • #1263644

    Hello Rikard, hello Yigit and the Enfold team

    I have searched for a long time, but I can’t find out why. In the original English version all images (numbers) appear correctly.

    In the French version, translated by Weglot, the last image, number 6 is not displayed. I tried to change the svg I had put in png, but nothing. I don’t understand why.

    Thank you for helping me.



    Hello. Nobody can help me ?


    Hi Bertrand,

    Please send us a temporary WordPress admin login and login URL so that we can have a closer look. You can post the details in the Private Content section of your reply.

    Best regards,


    Hello Rikard,

    Thank you for answering me. Private login info


    Hi Bertrand,

    Thanks for that and sorry for the late reply. I can’t see what is going wrong there unfortunately, but I’ve asked the rest of the team to have a look as well. Please reply to this thread so that it gets added back to our support queue.

    Best regards,



    Have you translated your media items? If not, please refer to this post – and check if translating images help.



    Hello Rikard, hello Yigit.

    I have just translated only this image on Weglot, but nothing changes.
    Just one thing, I realized that if I duplicate a tab (for example N° 05, I would have 7 tabs instead of 6 currently). In this case the image of N° 6 appears in both languages. I don’t understand anything anymore !


    Sorry for the very late reply and thanks for the links. I took a look at the section in both languages and all 7 images show correctly. Please see the screenshots in Private Content area.
    Is this the same as you are seeing?

    Best regards,


    Hi Mike,

    Thank you for your response. But you have not read the exchanges above:

    I realized that if I duplicate a tab (for example N° 05, I would have 7 tabs instead of 6 currently). In this case the image of N° 6 appears in both languages.

    But as Rikard, couldn’t find the problem and I had no answer from anyone else, I switched to 7 tabs instead of 6 to move forward, because the site is online and I couldn’t leave it like that.

    But the problem persists with 6 tabs.

    Thanks anyway Mike



    Sorry for the late reply, can you create a test page with the 6 tabs with the error so we can see it?
    So with 5 or 7 tabs, all images show, but with only 6 the sixth (last) image doesn’t show in [FR] only?

    Best regards,

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