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  • #22266

    Is it possible to have the Fullwidth Slider show images full-height? (I hate having my photography cropped in a way I didn’t intend.) It seems like there should be an option to either stretch the image full-width, or to show the image within the slider height? (It would also be nice to have an option to specify the slider height.)


    Hi lenscraft,

    This isn’t exclusive to the theme but instead how wordpress handles images. They can either be proportionally scaled or cropped to fit when the thumbnails are created on image upload.

    You can use http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/simple-image-sizes/ to set the image size height for the featured thumbnails and make sure its set not to crop as well. Then use the same plugin to regenerate the thumbnails.




    I’m not sure I understand you. Are you saying that the slider images are thumbnails, not full-sized images?

    Just to be clear, I’m talking about the Enfold Slider that can be used in the page template builder. If you visit http://lenscraft.com you will see this slider on the front page.


    Yes, they are classified as thumbnails in the sense that wordpress is told by the theme to re-size them and re-save those images in various formats.

    So for that slider its using the ‘featured’ size which has its height at a size smaller than what you want to happen. So you’ll need to use the plugin to change that height and then regenerate the images (thumbnails).


    Got it, now it’s working like I would like. Thanks for your help.


    Glad we could help :)

    Let us know if you have any other questions or issues.



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