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  • #679863

    Hi dear Enfold people,

    we made an Enfold site to our client (at first in our demo server, then client moved it to their own server). In demo server this site worked beautifully, but not anymore in client’s server. We found some of the problems (links to demo site for example) and fixed them, but this site is still very slow and the worst problems are with Media library (inserting photos is veeeery slow, sometimes library doesn’t show up at all). Can you please help me finding the problem here? I’ll add some private content here for you.



    Hi Deekolme,

    The site you linked to seems to be down, please check and let’s hope it’s only temporary.




    client’s own support managed to fix this site and it’s ok now!

    – Pia


    Hi Pia,

    Great, thanks for letting us know :-)

    Please open a new thread if you should have any further questions or problems.


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