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  • #165806

    A great design from a colleague of mine that I managed to create using Enfold and just a few styling & dev tweaks.



    your website is a great example of what can be done using Enfold :)



    Hello everyone. We have done a multi-site install with subdomains, you’re invited to take a look @

    We could not have implemented all of our ideas without this theme, it’s really awesome the insight put into it and how well it works with free and premium plugins. Probably the best theme we’ve had the pleasure to work with. Thanks Kriesi and all the team for developing and supporting this great theme, raises the bar for other developers and so, benefits the community as a whole.

    Regards. Hammer’s Dev Team



    : Good job! Thank you for using the theme. :)



    Hi everyone!

    I have finished my first website. Enfold theme is really helpful and time saver.

    I started from scratch, I didn’t even know the diference between HTML and HTML5, or what WordPress is, or what wp plug-ins do, nor even how to post a blog. I learned from what < a > tag is, and what BBCodes & sharecodes are.

    Now I have my website published, with over 40 plug-ins running, with SEO, cache, performance, security, SSL and other useful things. Plug-ins are easy to get and install, I didn’t had any compatible problem with Enfold theme.

    I’m using Fullscreen slider for homepage, Layer Slider WP for a couple of pages and videos, easy sliders for posts. I have a BBPress forum running.

    My website is new and I’m happy for the results, you can take a look here QlikView community:

    I’m more than happy to hear any advise (here). It’s my first website so I’m sure there are lot of improvements to do.

    Thanks for the theme and the theme support (I used support forum twice with positive results)



    Looks great! Good use of all the color sections to give lots of great bright breaks between the content sections.


    Finally – launched. – community site

    600+ members in over 17 countries

    Gravity Forms + GForms User Registration Addon + WPMU Dev membership plugin
    WPMU Dev affiliate plugin
    Downloads Monitor plugin + Add on
    Youtube Simple Gallery
    Simple:Press Forum
    Blubrry PowerPress for Podcasting
    Multi-X bar
    NextScripts: Social Networks Auto-Poster for publishing blog posts/podcasts to all social/content accounts
    Table of contents plus for content management and usability



    : Beautiful website. Looks like a minefield of cuteness. Nice job!



    Finally got to a place where I am happy with mine (with the exception of a Layer Slider on the homepage)

    Few CSS mods (logo padding, responsiveness on iPad, H1 tag height)
    Yoast SEO
    Socialize Plugin for blog posts
    WP CopyProtect
    W3Total Cache (scoring 92 on PageSpeed so far)
    Milachimp Newsletter plugin

    Will soon be using a CDN to deliver images



    Ed, the best for now, certainly, living art!! Congrats


    Hey @Swarez, nice site, and some awesome artwork there too.

    Coincidence of the day – I’m in Dursley.. ;-)


    Excellent! Small world @richardolpin :0 Thanks for the feedback too; much appreciated.



    Great work :)



    Hello !
    We were out of time to produce one of our exhibition website and we managed to build it very fast with Enfold.
    It looks awesome !
    Check it out at


    Hey @MBAM, that looks really nice.

    One suggestion though, in your header sliders you’ve used PNGs for the background images, and they’re pretty big so they load rather slowly. i was waiting for the header to load on all your pages.

    One of those 700kb PNGs saved as a jpg would come in at about 70kb with no discernible loss of quality and it would load significantly faster.



    Great job with the slider on your homepage! Your website looks very nice :)



    Project i did for a customer:


    Really nice @HappyBeagle! I like the big semi transparent logo in the background.


    Well, this is our dark themed Watch Brand Site. I still need to figure out quite a few things and add more content. But for now that is what I achieved. I am quite a non coder, so there is often a lot of trial and error involved when I work on a site. I hope I managed not to mess up things too bad.


    I have to say this theme has convinced me to start using WordPress as my development platform. What a joy it was redesigning my branding website. Go ahead and check it out and let me know what you guys think:

    I really like the diversity in the designs that I have seen in this showcase thread. This template is going to be such as timesaver for me.

    If one of the developers can let me know privately how to purchase additional licenses then that would be a big help to me. I am currently using this theme on two of my sites but I only bought one license and I want to fix that.

    Btw – the other site is a blog for my business:



    Looks great Brian! You can re-purchase the theme through ThemeForest just like you did the first time to get additional licenses :)


    just released!
    thx for your support!
    waiting for comments and suggestions!!
    Universitarios para el Desarrollo

    • This reply was modified 11 years, 3 months ago by Mono14.


    Great work! I love the design and how you used the color sections to structure the content :)




    I’ve just finished the website for the company I work for. I’ve had a lot of help from the Enfold guys with various issues I’ve created myself but I’m pleased with how it has finally turned out.

    If you have an interest in Farm Safety in the UK then please check us out!

    Kind Regards,



    Glad you finally finished your website Rob. It looks great :)



    I’m part of a group who just launched a nonprofit. Once I saw the Enfold theme, I knew that it would be the best for us. Here’s what we’ve created so far: Thanks Kriesi for the wonderful theme!



    : Nice website! I like the logo. :)



    Thanks, Ismael! I created the logo too.


    Here is our Enfold’s version:
    We need just (for the time being) a single homepage.
    I had many customized tips for a better mobile experience (like biger font-size in Layer Slide, top fixed header,…)

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