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  • #559301

    Monique you have a great eye for design! I’m jealous :-)


    @ Interprom: blush, blush, wow, thanks so much for your compliment :-)


    Thanks for the great theme and amazing support!

    • This reply was modified 9 years, 2 months ago by djshortkut.

    Ich bin ein Riesenfan von Enfold – nicht zuletzt wegen dem super Support:
    Mein kleines Projekt:
    Geplant sind weitere:

    Ich versuche gerade noch ein Videoportal damit zu basteln, aber das bedarf wohl einiger Anpassungen…


    Ich bin ein Riesenfan von Enfold – nicht zuletzt wegen dem super Support:
    Mein kleines Projekt:
    Geplant sind weitere:

    Ich versuche gerade noch ein Videoportal damit zu basteln, aber das bedarf wohl einiger Anpassungen…

    • This reply was modified 9 years, 2 months ago by Tobiy.

    I just rebuilt my website using the amazing Enfold theme. I really enjoy working with this theme.

    Thanks for a great theme!



    How did you process/save your background video to be such high quality but a smaller file size?


    I’d like to know that too. thx


    Looks like they are leveraging youtube and youtube’s compression, id=Kh4pggabuK0


    Clay, what an incredible looking/functioning web site, for an incredible cause!


    @djshortkut: I love your site :-)… and also the pools <3


    Hey guys, thanks for the compliments.

    Yes, we are using YouTube and to tell you the truth it was about 2am one night and I had just tried 15 ways to get the darn video to YouTube and display correctly. I used Adobe Premier Elements to create the video in 1440 format, then share it with YoutTube. I think if I used 1920 HD it would take forever to load.

    I did try a number of different media formats in Enfold and the only one that I could get to display in that quality was Full Width Easy Slider. I am happy with the outcome and it even looks decent on a 1920 screen. My only concern is the amount of time the page takes to load, and I am not happy with that, but not not sure how to get it any faster. I guess I need an expert, which I am not.

    , i appreciate your comments. This is an nonprofit organization that we started in 2012 and it just keeps growing.


    Great photography in this website, all put together very nicely!!


    Love the way you incorporated the branding feel in to the website, great visuals as well. Very nicely done!!


    @claychurchill: yes, a really wonderful job for a good cause <3


    Hi there,
    I spent the christmas holidays working on a relaunch of my website
    I was very happy with Enfold and quite surprised how userfriendly it is. Having never used WordPress before, I think it worked out quite well.

    There is just one thing that bugs me. As the testimonials on my home page have a different lenght, the whole page jumps up and down by a few lines whenever it shows a different text. Is there any way to avoid this and fix the height?



    Could you try targeting the div and give it a min-height?


    @Krissieg Just saw your reply.

    On this page I just used a fixed image in the background. Then in PhotoShop, I made sure to align the images. Then you just make sure to save them all the same size, and stick them to the same position (i.e. top right, center-center, etc).

    This will only work with the fixed setting. The Parallax setting stretches the image to get the transition effect, so it will not create that swipe effect.

    I used the same effect on this page, about half way down the page, the graph line slides up the page using the same effect. This theme is too good! Seriously.


    Hey people,

    This is a one page website I made using Enfold to advertise an app that I have jointly made with some friends.

    I use Enfold at work for all of our client websites too and I love working with it! Thanks for a great theme!


    • This reply was modified 9 years, 2 months ago by S17Design.

    Absolutely in love this theme after having wasted my time trying out a few others. Not only the theme but the support behind it is amazing! Slowly managing to get my site live. The more I use it, the happier I am.

    Thanks for the great theme guys, cant wait to see where you take it in 2016!

    • This reply was modified 9 years, 2 months ago by Paul.

    Paul, great job. Like the website.


    • This reply was modified 9 years, 2 months ago by Tameez.

    Hi all,

    I am sorry to use this topic ;-) but since so many developers are following this showcase, may I be so bold to aks if anyone of you ever made a website using Enfold with TWO LOGOS in the header, both with it’s own link?

    Looking forward to your reply & thanks a lot for the effort!!!




    Not two logos but I add multiple images to most of our sites:

    Is that what you are after? If so I can advise on how to do it but TBH, you’d be best starting a thread in the Enfold area and asking there so others can see the question and the fix in the future.


    Hoi Monique,

    Place this code in your Child-theme functions.php

    // Extra content in header section
    function custom_func() {
    <div class="extra-header-content">Content here, may contain HTML such as an image tag and your a href</div>

    After that play around with CSS a bit, something like this

    Place in your Child-theme style.css

    .extra-header-content {
    width: 350px; /* ie: second logo width */
    height: auto;
    float: left;
    top: 10px;
    position: absolute;
    left: 10%;

    Good luck, en veel plezier!



    Hi guys, DigitalEssence and Frans,

    Thanks for your replies and I will certainly look at this.

    My question obviously has not been clear enough as I didn’t mean to ask for code how to do it; what I in fact meant was to get perhaps a few examples or references where I can see this in action.

    DigitalEssence: it really have to be two logos that stay visible also on small mobile screens.

    Thanks again!

    • This reply was modified 9 years, 2 months ago by Monique.

    Here is my new Enfold project:


    Thought you’d like to see my latest effort built in Enfold; an event site promoting a three-day Health & Wellness festival in St. Petersburg, Florida.
    I love this theme. I really love this theme. I believe I’ve purchased an even dozen copies of it so far. It is sooo good! Thank you all, you are just the best!



    Hey djshortcut

    That’s a beautiful website. Makes me miss LA… What is that nice thin font you are using for headings such as “WHAT OUR CLIENTS & COLLEAGUES ARE SAYING” on the homepage. And what font are you using in the main menu. Thanks much, Rob


    Hi, this my last Enfold works ALLEVAMENTO LAGOTTO ROMAGNOLO


    It’s powerfull theme ever! Fornetto Pizza ILLILLO

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