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  • #658571


    In order to add some testimonials to the sidebar on some pages I added the av_testimonials shortcode to a text widget.
    That works fine, with the exception that I cannot get the pictures displayed.
    Those pictures work fine when I add testimonials with the visual page builder.
    Tried to add a reference to the pictures to the src and attachment, but they were not shown.

    This raises two questions:
    1. Where is the Enfold shortcode documentation? Not examples, syntax!
    2. How to use the [av_testimonials] shortcode so that I can add the pictures.

    Current source:
    [av_testimonials style='slider' columns='2' interval='5']
    [av_testimonial_single src='' attachment='' name='Nina Wolf' subtitle='modern life services on demand' link='http://' linktext='']
    some text…
    [av_testimonial_single src='' attachment='' name='Anna Relle' subtitle=' - spielend programmieren' link='http://' linktext='']
    some text…




    Hey chtoller!

    You can enable debugging mode to see shortcodes you have created in pages using Advanced Layout Builder –

    Or, You can switch to Default Editor and click on Magic Wand to see full list of shortcodes
    then you can create any of them and copy/paste shortcode into any other content element or into text widget.



    Hi Enfold-Team,

    this thread is from 2016 however I would like to hang on to it: I checked both options as suggested, neither of them works for me: I have already built up a long list of testimonials with the advanced layout builder. Looks super nice and I would like to add these testimonials now in other places/sidebars of my website too. What is the way for me to do that, without having to re-write the whole stuff once again from the beginning (using the standard editor, clicking on magic wand tool, doing all again, one-by-one… just to obtain the shortcode)?

    Thanks in advance for your reply!



    You can enable debugging field – and then copy shortcodes and paste them into your widget area using Text widget in Appearance > Widgets.
    If you need assistance with it, please start a new thread under Enfold sub forum and attach temporary admin logins in private content field so we can look into it.
    We are closing this thread since it is pretty old :)

    Best regards,

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